

Developer of recall optimization software and analytics used in the dental industry....

California Trusframe

Leading truss manufacturer, operating throughout California serving both the residential and multi-family markets....

PRT Growing Services

Industry leader in commercial-scale containerized growing processes for a wide range of forestry seedling species....

Lithion Power Group

Lithion is a market-leading, mission-critical cell and battery pack manufacturer with highly differentiated technology built over years of field research and development....

Coast Appliances

Independent distributor and retailer of major appliances serving the builder, contractor and retail markets across Canada. ...

Peloton Computer Enterprises

Leading developer and provider of drilling and operations data management and visualization software for oil and gas companies worldwide....

Strike Group

Energy service construction and maintenance company focused on the energy, transmission and distribution, pipeline and industrial sectors across the WCSB....

Prostar Energy

Provider/manufacturer of well services and "purpose built" well service equipment to the thermal heavy oil market....

Innova Global

Full service engineering, procurement, construction and manufacturing company specializing in air and noise emissions control around the globe....

Bull Moose Capital

One of the largest natural gas compressor rental and leasing businesses in Western Canada, with a focus on high horsepower reciprocating natural gas compression units....